POLITICAL SCIENCE 3348                                                                                                                                  DR. LEDER

Department Of Political Science/Texas State University
The link for the posted web syllabus for this course as well as the links for the posted web syllabi for other courses taught by Dr. Leder can be accessed @ arnoldleder.com.

e-mail address: al04@txstate.edu
Office: ELA 335
Office Hours: TBA & by appointment

Selected Web Resources For Texas State University
Texas State University Library
Locating Periodicals @ Texas State University Library
Citation & Bibliographic Styles & Related Information

Portals to the World Home Page (Library of Congress)
Internet Political Science Resources-Extensive University Links/University Of Michigan

TheWWW Virtual Library:International Affairs Resources
The Ultimate Political Science Links Page
Note On Web Syllabus Materials: Students may find books, articles, links, websites, blogs, and other materials provided in this syllabus useful and of interest. Their listing in this syllabus, including those which are required and recommended, does not necessarily indicate endorsement of or agreement with any views or positions on any issues found in these materials, websites, or on other sites to which they may provide links.
GRADES: Student grades for the course will be based on two exams which will consist of essay questions and identification and explanation of important concepts and issues from lectures and assigned readings.
1. Three (3) unexcused absences are permitted.  Students with four (4) unexcused absences will have their course grade lowered by one letter grade.  Students who have five (5) unexcused absences will have their course grade lowered by two letter grades.  No absences beyond five (5) for any reason are permitted.  Any student who has more than five absences is likely to fail the course and, therefore, should withdraw from the course.
2. The instructor for the course is not responsible for bringing students who have missed class "up-to-date" on missed material.  Each student has the responsibility to remain current with respect to class materials.

Academic Honesty Statement: Please see Academic Honesty Statement/Student Handbook/Texas State University San Marcos
See end of this syllabus for excerpts from the Academic Honesty Statement.

This course examines revolution and nationalism in the modern Middle East with a special emphasis on the Iranian, Egyptian, and Turkish experiences.  Each of these cases is studied in the context of general theoretical literature on revolution and nationalism.  Greater emphasis will be given to the Iranian case.
Students should note that while there is considerable treatment of specific events and developments in the countries studied, the emphasis is on the origins and nature of the revolutionary process in each case.  The purpose of this course is learning how to apply theoretical literature to empirical cases.  This effort, in turn, leads to both better understanding of the particular cases and to modifying theory in the light of application to "real world" experiences.  Theory building is essential to the comparative perspective.  Students will learn how to evaluate information provided by area studies specialists in terms of the theoretical insights of comparative and cross cultural analysis.  This is a social science course.  Students will become familiar with the larger concerns of comparative politics even as the particular information is derived from specific countries in an area of the world known as the Middle East.
J. A. Bill& R. Springborg, Politics in the Middle East (Harper Collins, Latest Edition)/Paperback
Crane Brinton, The Anatomy of Revolution (Random House/Vintage/Revised & Expanded Latest Edition)/Paperback
Azar Nafisi, Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books /Paperback
D. Peretz, The Middle East Today (Praeger, Latest Edition)/Paperback
Articles (Reserve Desk at Texas State Library)
Historical Perspectives:

Ann K. S. Lambton,Secret Societies And The Persian Revolution Of 1905-1906

Middle Eastern Affairs, No. 1, 1959, pp. 43-60.
Mary E. Hegland,"Traditional" Iranian Women: How They Cope
The Middle East Journal, Vol. 36, No. 4, Autumn, 1982.
I. Methodological Considerations
1.Area Studies
2.Cross Cultural (Cross National) Analysis
3.The Comparative Perspective:Replication & Generalization
Readings: Brinton, chapter 1; Peretz, chapters 1,2, & Epilogue; Bill & Springborg, (B&S) chapters 1, 2, 3.
II. Revolution and Nationalism
1. What revolution is not
2.  Preliminary signs and stages of revolution
Readings: Brinton, chapters 2, 3, 4; B&S, pp.72-83; Peretz, chapter 6.
III. The Iranian Case: Liberalism, Nationalism, Modernizing Autocracy and Islamic
Readings: Brinton, chapters 5, 6, 7; Peretz, chapters 4, 5, 17; B&S, chapters 5 (especially pp.
102-206), 6; Lambton, the entire article; Hegland, the entire article.
Azar Nafisi/Reading Lolita in Tehran
Christopher de Bellaigue/Who Rules Iran?/The New York Review of Books/June27,2002 (Recommended)
IV. The Egyptian Case: Liberalism, Nationalism, Authoritarian Mobilization, and
Readings: Brinton chapters 5 (revisited), 8, 9; Peretz, chapters 8, 9; B&S chapters 5 (especially
pp. 207-227), 6 (see material on Egypt).
V. The Turkish Case: Liberalism, Nationalism, and Uncertain Democracy
Readings: Brinton, chapters 2, 3, 4 (revisited); Peretz, chapters 3, 7; B&S, chapters 5 (especially
pp. 180-192), and 6 (see material on Turkey).
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Excerpts From Academic Honesty Statement
Learning and teaching take place best in an atmosphere of intellectual freedom and openness. All members of the academic community are responsible for supporting freedom and openness through rigorous personal standards of honesty and fairness. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty undermine the very purpose of the university and diminish the value of an education.
Academic Offenses
Students who have committed academic dishonesty, which includes cheating on an examination or other academic work to be submitted, plagiarism, collusion, or abuse of resource materials, are subject to disciplinary action.
a. Academic work means the preparation of an essay, thesis, report, problem assignments, or other projects which are to be submitted for purposes of grade determination.
b. Cheating means:
1. Copying from another student’s test paper, laboratory report, other report or computer files, data listing, and/or programs.
2. Using materials during a test unauthorized by person giving test.
3. Collaborating, without authorization, with another person during an examination or in preparing academic work.
4. Knowingly, and without authorization, using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, soliciting, copying, or possessing, in whole or part, the content of an unaministered test.
5. Substituting for another student—or permitting another person to substitute for oneself in taking an exam or preparing academic work.
6. Bribing another person to obtain an unadministered test or information about an unadministered test.
c. Plagiarism means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit. (Underline Added)
d. Collusion means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit.
e. Abuse of resource materials means the mutilation, destruction, concealment, theft or alteration of materials provided to assist students in the mastery of course materials.
Penalties for Academic Dishonesty
Students who have committeed academic dishonesty may be subject to:
a. Academic penalty including one or more of the following when not inconsistent:
1. A requirement to perform additional academic work not required of other students in the course;
2. Required to withdraw from the course with a grade of “F.”  (Underline Added)
3. A reduction to any level grade in the course, or on the exam or other academic work affected by the academic dishonesty.
b. Disciplinary penalty including any penalty which may be imposed in a student disciplinary hearing pursuant to this Code of Conduct.

The complete Texas State University Academic Honesty Statement is accessible @ Academic Honesty Statement/Student Handbook/Texas State University San Marcos
